Heron's Nest Yoga

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Lavender Love

This July I was invited to lead a Moon Salutation class by the Fraser Witchery Bog for their summer gathering on the beautiful Sage and Solace Farm. It was my first experience teaching at a special event, and I loved it!

The theme was Magical Lavender. We created lavender wands, did tarot readings, shared food, and wandered the fantastic gardens accompanies by a hilarious gaggle of geese. I wish I had photos of those guys. They kept us laughing.

Towards the end of the event is when I led the Moon Salutation class. In an incredible room where the entire back wall is an art piece made of dried flowers that they grow right there on the farm.

Outside of my yoga teacher training, this was my first experience with teaching such a large group. I typically focus on smaller class size. It will not be the last!

Afterward, we participated in a circle ritual outdoors by the pond. Again, the geese came to visit. I think they wanted to play too.

When the ritual was completed we had the option of wandering the beautiful gardens, of which there are many, as the sun set.

The final magic of the evening was the sight of a hummingbird moth among the flowers. If you have never seen one of these in person, they are moths that resemble very tiny hummingbirds. They are quite rare, this is only the second one I have ever seen.

I am looking forward to participating in many more events like this. Especially at Sage and Solace.

Thank you for taking the time to read my little story. Namaste